Exploration of Gymnastics Excellence: Empowering Sportspeople with Internet-based Education.

PixelCraft Systems

Website Service Conditions

The Terms of Use govern your use of the Site. Your use implies acceptance of these terms, which may be updated without notice. You can contact us for queries or concerns regarding these terms.

(1) Agreement to Use

By accessing our site, you acknowledge and agree to our Terms of Use. If you disagree with these terms, you are advised not to use our services.

(2) Limitation of liability

Users must utilize the website solely for lawful purposes and refrain from posting, submitting, or transmitting any material that infringes on intellectual property rights, violates laws, or is fraudulent, misleading, defamatory, obscene, or harmful in any way.

(3) Assistance Contact Details

All content on this website, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, and multimedia, is owned by the Company or its licensors, unless specifically uploaded by users. Intellectual property rights in this content are protected by copyright, trademarks, and database rights. You may only use the content for your personal, non-commercial use and must not modify, copy, or distribute the content without prior written consent from the Company.

  • View and interact with the content on the website solely for personal and non-commercial purposes.

  • You are strictly prohibited from using any content for commercial purposes or altering any content without the express permission of the Company.

    (4) Web Interaction and Use

    While you are free to share the URL of our homepage, linking to specific parts of our site or copying content without proper attribution is prohibited. We do not assume responsibility for content or security issues on third-party sites that link to or from our site. Always ensure you know where your information is coming from when visiting external sites.

    (5) Billing and Financial Obligations

    You agree to pay the fees for products that you purchase, and you authorize us to charge your debit or credit card or process other means of payment (such as direct debit, or mobile wallet) for those fees. Company works with third party payment processing partners to offer you the most convenient payment methods and to keep your payment information secure.
    When you make a purchase, you agree not to use an invalid or unauthorized payment method. If your payment method fails and you still get access to the product you are enrolling in, you agree to pay us the corresponding fees within thirty (14) days of notification from us. We reserve the right to disable access to any course for which we have not received adequate payments.

    (6) Money Return Policy

    If you find that the product you've purchased doesn't meet your expectations, you have the option to request a refund within 14 days of your purchase. Please note that we reserve the right to evaluate and approve refunds at our discretion. Factors such as payment processing capabilities, the platform of purchase (website or mobile app), and applicable statutory fees and taxes may influence the refund process. Refund requests made after the 14-day period will not be honored.
    In cases where we suspect misuse of our refund policy, we retain the right to suspend your account and prohibit future use of our services.

    (7) Unforeseen Circumstances

    The accessibility of our website is intended to be temporary and subject to change. We retain the authority to modify, suspend, or permanently withdraw any portion of our services without prior notification. No liability shall be assumed for any repercussions that result from such actions. We recommend users stay informed of any changes by reviewing our policies regularly.

    (8) Protection of Personal Data

    We adhere to all relevant privacy and data protection laws to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal information. Our practices are guided by the principles of necessity, accuracy, and security. For detailed information on our data handling procedures, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

    (9) Site and Terms Changes

    At our discretion, we may update these terms to align with current business practices, technological developments, or regulatory changes. These changes will become effective immediately upon posting on our website. We will also notify you through your registered email or through direct in-service notifications. It is important that you review these updated terms to understand your ongoing obligations. Your continued use of our services after such changes indicates your acceptance of the new terms.